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"Compassion Fatigue and You"

Wed, Sep 21



Participants will learn about Secondary trauma in educators, also known as compassion fatigue.

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"Compassion Fatigue and You"
"Compassion Fatigue and You"

Time & Location

Sep 21, 2022, 4:30 PM – Sep 28, 2022, 7:30 PM



About the Event

"Compassion Fatigue and You"

Facilitated by Dr. Jacquelyn Ollison

Nationally Recognized Educator!



Participants will learn about Secondary trauma in educators, also known as compassion fatigue. When secondary trauma is left unaddressed, it can turn into compassion fatigue – the physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion that comes with working with people in students in constant states of trauma. The workshop will describe what it looks and feels like for educators, symptoms, and strategies to take care of yourself while teaching, leading, and serving students.

A Virtual Workshop over two meeting dates:

Wednesday September 21, 2022: 4:30 - 7:30 PM

Wednesday September 28, 2022: 4:30 - 7:30 PM

A 90 minute independent activity between sessions

$20 Support Staff / Non-Licensed

$40 NASA Members

$60 Non-NASA Members

Earn .5 credit (that's 7.5 hours) toward license renewal

and ALSO 2.5 CUs in CCSD for non-administrators

Salary Advancement in Clark and most NV Counties (see details below)


Dr. Jacquelyn Ollison

Education has always been Ollison’s passion. Her experience includes teaching, serving as a school site, district, and state-level administrator, professor, and director at all levels of education PreK-College. Her expertise includes compassion fatigue, education equity, school climate, teacher burnout, secondary trauma, racial trauma, pedagogy, and student engagement. She believes all educators should be revered and supported as first-responders and has said as much in her TEDx talk - on Educator Compassion Fatigue. She is a courageous advocate for teachers, administrators, and all students, especially students of color. She lives in Northern California with her husband, three stepchildren, and her dog Séo.

ALL are welcome, including anyone in a non-administrative position! NASA IS NOT A UNION.NASA is Nevada's PreK-12 Professional Development Organization for ALL Nevada Educators!

This workshop counts for salary advancement in Clark and most Nevada School Districts!


In CCSD, those in non-administrative licensed positions may count this workshop for license renewal AND ALSO CU accrual - THOSE IN NON-ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS EARN BOTH!

(unlimited CUs in this category for those in non-administrative positions)

In CCSD, administrators and professional-technical administrators may count this workshop for license renewal OR hour accrual toward step-advancement - not both for administrators.

(maximum of 30 hours per year for administrators in this category)!

Become a NASA Member and register at a lower rate!

Anyone can become a NASA Member!

To become a NASA Member go to:



  • Support Staff - Non-Licensed

    This ticket price is for support staff professionals only - that is non-licensed personnel like teacher aides, and non-licensed employees in educational support roles. Employment status will be verified after purchase.

    +$0.50 service fee
    Sale ended
  • NASA Members

    This ticket price is for anyone that is a NASA member. ANYONE, including teachers and those in non-administrative positions can become a NASA Member and save on registration rates. It pays to become a NASA Member. Go to: to become a NASA Member immediately and register at the Lower Rate "NASA Member" rate! NASA membership will be verified after purchase.

    +$1.00 service fee
    Sale ended
  • Non-NASA Members

    This ticket price is for anyone that is a Non-NASA member and/or any individual that wishes to attend this workshop. ANYONE, including teachers and those in non-administrative positions can become a NASA Member and save on registration rates. It pays to become a NASA Member. Go to: to become a NASA Member immediately and register at the Lower Rate!

    +$1.50 service fee
    Sale ended



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